Portrait Tooling Series Pt. 3 - Hair & Accessories

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $32.00 $32.00 Sale

About This Video

In the third video in the five-part tooling series, Annie Libertini demonstrates creating a broad variety of hair textures, as well as how to carve accessories such as glasses, jewelry, hair decorations, and other adornments. 

The live audience in this recorded class had more questions in this segment of the workshop series than in any of the others based on the fact that the categories of hair textures and accessories have the most variance in the photos each had in mind to create. 

Annie answers all of those questions, offering a very thorough discussion on beards, straight hair, curly hair, kinky hair, baldness, and more. Additionally, she addresses a number of questions and considerations when adding glasses or sunglasses to a leather portrait. 

This is a recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.


Pattern Associated With This Class

Portrait Tooling Pattern Pack

Note: This pattern pack is free with the purchase of any of the videos in the Portrait Tooling series when purchased at the same time. Add the pattern pack to your cart and the discount will automatically be applied at checkout. 


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Video Details

2 hours and 8 minutes; 3.08 GB


Digital Download or USB

The price of the video includes a digital download of this workshop. If you would like to be mailed a USB with your video(s) on it, add a USB Flashdrive to your shopping cart. We use 32 GB drives, so one USB should be needed for your whole order if you purchase less than 8 videos, so add it only once.

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