Airbrush Techniques for Leather with Daniel Reach

Airbrush Techniques for Leather with Daniel Reach

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $32.00 $32.00 Sale

About This Video

As a lifelong artist, Daniel has dabbled in just about everything. The two things that have inspired his creative side more than any others are leatherworking and airbrushing. When he was in his early 20’s, he apprenticed under one of the top 10 airbrush artists in the world. During that time, he taught dozens of classes and showed hundreds of students how to use an airbrush.

Offered as a follow-up to his sold-out Airbrushing 101 class, Daniel dives more in-depth into different techniques to create unique textures and effects on leather. Moving beyond the basics of how an airbrush works, this class focuses more on how to get the desired effects and different implementations for airbrushing leather... using a additional tools for texture that might surprise you.

Whether you want to add a simple fade to the edge of a wallet or bag, or if you want to create jaw-dropping wall art, the airbrush can be a very powerful and versatile tool that can achieve effects that other techniques simply can’t replicate.

This is a recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.


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Video Details

2 hours and 2 minutes; 2.86 GB


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