Mounting 3-D Leather Flowers with Annie Libertini

Mounting 3-D Leather Flowers with Annie Libertini

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $32.00 $32.00 Sale

About This Video

Annie Libertini has hosted a number of very popular 3-D flower workshops, but what do you do with those flowers? More importantly, how can you monetize your art by creating one-of-a-kind leather flower projects that your customers will cherish?

Perfect for weddings, Mother's Day, or other special occasions, Annie shares how to mount these flowers on stems for a bouquet, turn them into brooches and other accessories, or create life-like branches to mount them from.

This is a recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.

Important Note: May of the mounting techniques require intermediary steps BEFORE the flower is finished. For best usage of this video, watch it before creating your three-dimensional flowers so that you have ideas and inspiration on how to integrate mounting techniques into the finishing of the pieces.


Pattern Associated With This Class

Free Leathercraft Pattern for Mounting 3-D Flowers


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Video Details

2 hours and 24 minutes; 3.32 GB


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