Beyond the Basics - Learning the Tricks of the Professionals
Elktracks Studio
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About This Video
Jim Linnell taught his first class on leather carving in 1976 and has introduced countless thousands of people to leather working since. Over all that time working with leather, there is one question that he has been asked hundreds of times in one way or another; “why doesn’t my carving look as good as yours?”
What they are really wanting to know is what has he learned in those 50 years leather making and can he share his secrets?
While experience and practice are still the secret, there are a number of things that Jim shares in this video about how he does his leather tooling that give him the results that he likes. This workshop is for the leather craftsman who might think their leatherwork has stopped improving but doesn’t know how to get to the next level.
This is a recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.
Pattern Associated With This Class
Free Leathercraft Pattern for Beyond the Basics Carving Workshop
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Video Details
2 hours and 18 minutes; 3.31 GB
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