Modeling Spoon Finesse with Jim Linnell

Modeling Spoon Finesse with Jim Linnell

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $32.00 $32.00 Sale

About This Video

In many classes, Jim Linnell has offered various insights or tips on how to use your modeling spoon to finesse your leather carving in a number of different ways; it really is an incredible tool!

This workshop includes all of those insights in one plus, plus much more on modeling spoon magic. Additionally, Jim discusses how to use other modeling tools, such as the undercut and ball-end stylus tools. 

Similar to our Swivel Knife Finesse workshop, this is the type of class that will improve all of your leather projects: floral carving, figure carving, embossing, and more!


This is a recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.

Pattern Associated With This Class

Modeling Spoon Finesse Pattern by Jim Linnell


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Video Details

1 hours and 56 minutes; 2.87 GB


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