Leather Pictorial Carving Part 1 - Pine Trees and Evergreens

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $32.00 $32.00 Sale

About This Video

Pictorial Carving can seem mysterious and forbidden to the leather craftsman that has never received some basic instruction on the proper techniques. Once these basic skills are grasped and understood, a new and exciting world of leather carving is opened.

In this 4-part series of classes, Jim Linnell walks students through the basic techniques of pictorial carving. Throughout this series of classes, Jim will guide you through the different elements that make up some of the more popular Pictorial Carving styles to increase your confidence in pushing your leatherwork further.

The first class covers the creation of Pine Trees and Evergreens, one of the most challenging and frustrating elements in pictorial carving. In this class you will not only learn how to make a basic tree, but how to illustrate it at various distances. In each of the workshops in this series, you will be shown all of the different pictorial carving tools and the proper way to use them to get the results for which they were intended.

This 4-part series will be a must for the library of every leather craftsman that wishes to expand their skills beyond floral carving to carving that illustrate the beauty of our world around us.

This is a recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.

Pattern Associated With This Class

Free Leather Pattern for Pictorial Carving Pt 1 - Pine Trees and Evergreens 


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