Extreme Embossing: Great Horned Owl by Robb Barr

Extreme Embossing: Great Horned Owl by Robb Barr

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $32.00 $32.00 Sale

About This Video

Born in northern Minnesota in 1950, Robb Barr was part Sioux Indian and had a love of leather art and wildlife. The owl is a sacred bird in many Native American communities and Barr refused to capture the likeness of one for many years out of cultural beliefs and superstitions. 

This was the very last video Robb Barr created before his passing. 

Originally a two-part video series, it has been condensed into one downloadable video tutorial on the carving, molding, embossing, and painting of this majestic creature.


Patterns Associated With This Class

Great Horned Owl Pattern by Robb Barr


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Video Details

2 hours and 22 minutes; 3.23 GB


Digital Download or USB

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