Rose Carving Workshop with Jim Linnell

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $32.00 $32.00 Sale

About This Video

Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers that can be carved in leather; they are elegant, graceful, and a challenge to carve. That is why they were the subject of this online class from Elktracks Studio.

In this video, Jim Linnell demonstrates the special beveling and shading techniques that make roses come to life. Additionally, he presents multiple techniques for carving the leaves, stems, and even the thorns in a rose pattern. Sheridan style carving also creates roses in a unique way, which are covered as well.  Additionally, Jim also shares a quick tutorial on how to use 3-D flower stamps and incorporate them into a design.

This is a recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.


Pattern Associated With This Class

Free Leathercraft Pattern for Rose Workshop


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Video Details

1 hour, 52 minutes; 2.68 GB


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