Horse Painting Techniques with Annie Libertini
Elktracks Studio
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About This Video
Annie Libertini started as a painter before discovering leather, so color has always been an important part of her leatherwork. In this workshop, she demonstrates some of her award-winning techniques for creating different coloration, shadows, and highlights on four different horse portraits.
Using the horse design from the Figure Carving Pt. 1 Workshop, Annie demonstrates how to create realistic coloration for a black horse, a bay horse, a white horse, and a pinto horse. The techniques used to create these four breeds can be used to develop color for most other horse colorations.
This video is great content on its own, but it also compliments Jim Linnell's Leather Figure Carving Pt. 1, where he creates the horse carving that is painted in this workshop.
This is a recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.
Pattern Associated With This Class
Free Leathercraft Pattern for Figure Carving Pt 1 - Learning the Basics
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Video Details
2 hours and 19 minutes; 3.32 GB
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