Free Leather Watchband Pattern by Sheryl Katzke
Elktracks Studio
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About This Pattern
These patterns were created during a live workshop demonstrating how to create custom and unique watchband patterns. Note that these patterns are a specific size and not universal. Learn how to measure, design, and create your own watchband concepts with the video Money Making Projects: Leather Watchbands with Sheryl Katzke.Video Associated With This Pattern
Money Making Projects: Leather Watchbands with Sheryl Katzke
Digital Download or USB
The price of the video includes a digital download of this workshop. If you would like to be mailed a USB with your video(s) on it, add a USB Flashdrive to your shopping cart. We use 32 GB drives, so one USB should be needed for your whole order if you purchase less than 8 videos, so add it only once.