Free Leathercraft Pattern for California/Visalia Style Carving by Jim Linnell
Elktracks Studio
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About This Pattern
Along with learning how to carve this classic style, students also learn about how this style impacted leather carving around the West. Students will see many design elements that have influenced a lot of the floral carving we see today and hear about the contributions of many who originated out West. Since much of the growth of modern leatherworking started in California, the influence of this style is very evident.
While you are learning how these patterns were laid out and carved, Jim also shares the rich history and heritage of floral elements that originated from the Visalia Saddlery.
This pattern was originally created to be used with the video workshop California/Visalia Style of Floral Carving. We’d love to see what you make from it in our online Facebook group Elktracks Studio Creations.
Video Associated With This Pattern
California/Visalia Style of Floral Carving by Jim Linnell
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