Leather-Covered Picture Frames with Andy Stasiak

Leather-Covered Picture Frames with Andy Stasiak

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $17.00 $17.00 Sale

About This Video

In this video tutorial with Andy Stasiak, learn how to create leather-covered picture frames! This video was originally produced by George Hurst in the 90s, Stasiak takes viewers through the process of creating a variety of different leather-covered picture frame ideas.

Note from Jim Linnell: “These videos represent a piece of history. They capture invaluable lessons from great artists, some of whom are no longer with us. Originally produced over 20 years ago, and later digitized from VHS, the sharpness of the image or quality of the audio may not be quite on par with our more modern video technology. However, note that this does not in any way compromise the quality of the instruction.”  


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Video Details

56 minutes; 1.4 GB


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