3-D Leather Raven with Ram Skull with Jürgen Volbach

3-D Leather Raven with Ram Skull with Jürgen Volbach

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $42.00 $42.00 Sale

About This Video

In this 3-hour master class, award-winning German artist Jürgen Volbach leads students through a project that stretches the imagination!

Done on two pieces of leather, the first layer is the three-dimensional raven standing on a ram skull. Jürgen guides students through creating intricate details on the piece while modeling the leather for an extreme 3-D embossing effect. 

The second layer is the frame which is worked over the finished raven/ram image. The ram is then undercut over the frame so that we connect the two parts together and achieve a beautiful deep 3-D effect! 

This is a recording of a live class, so viewers benefit from workshop moderation with Jim Linnell and Michael Magnus.

Note: When this video is purchased simultaneously as Coloring the Raven with Ram Skull, a $10 discount will be applied to the pair. This offer is only valid when purchased at full price and not with other discounts. 


Pattern Associated With This Video

Pattern for 3-D Raven with Ram Skull by Jürgen Volbach


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Video Details

3 hours and 7 minutes; 4.73 GB


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