Making Leather Feathers Pattern with Robb Barr
Elktracks Studio
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About This Pattern
If you're looking for a pattern to create life-size eagle feathers in three dimensions from leather, look no further!
This pattern was originally created to be used with the video workshop Making Leather Feathers, with the late Robb Barr, in which viewers can learn techniques for tooling, quelling, veining, coloring, and creating a feather edge! We’d love to see what you make from it in our online Facebook group Elktracks Studio Creations.
These patterns were originally created as part of the workshop series produced by George Hurst's Hide Crafter Leather in the 90s. They have been given to Elktracks by Silver Creek Leather Co. to reintroduce the leathercraft community to these great learning opportunities.
Video Associated With This Class
Making Leather Feathers with Robb Barr
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