Stirrup Clock Patterns by George Hurst

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $10.00 $10.00 Sale

About This Pattern

George Hurst has continued his legacy of teaching the world leathercraft with his most recent video on creating a Stirrup Clock. This step by step video is posted on YouTube: How To Make A Leather-Covered Stirrup Clock With George Hurst.

These are the patterns that he used and with them, you will be able to create a very unique, western themed clock. Whether displayed in your home or office, or given as a gift, it promises to be a topic of conversation. 

This Pattern Pack is available as a digital download only.


Digital Download or USB

The price of the video includes a digital download of this workshop. If you would like to be mailed a USB with your video(s) on it, add a USB Flashdrive to your shopping cart. We use 32 GB drives, so one USB should be needed for your whole order if you purchase less than 8 videos, so add it only once.

Due to the size and length of these MP4 video files, it is not recommended to try to download them directly to a phone or tablet, particularly on an iOS operating system. Check out our FAQ Page for general download troubleshooting.