Veiner, Mulefoot, Stop, and Flower Center Workshop with Jim Linnell

Veiner, Mulefoot, Stop, and Flower Center Workshop with Jim Linnell

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $32.00 $32.00 Sale

About This Video

The veiner tool adds flow and depth to a floral carving, when it is used correctly. Often, the correct use of this tool and others is not properly explained to leather workers when they are getting started. The veiner, stop, mules foot and seeder tools was the topic of this online class at Elktracks Studio. Jim Linnell shows some new and innovative ways to use traditional floral stamping tools to add dimension and texture to leather floral carving. In this video, he shares tips and tricks for getting the best results with these stamping tools, to add new life and vibrancy to your floral designs.

This is a recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.


Video Details

2 hours and 1 minute


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