Beach Pictorial Carving with Jim Linnell

Beach Pictorial Carving with Jim Linnell

Elktracks Studio

Regular price $32.00 $32.00 Sale

About This Video

One of the beauties of pictorial carving is that it can take a photograph and turn it into a piece of art. For pictures from family vacations, whether something you make for yourself or a commission, these often become family heirlooms that capture a memory of time spent together. 

In this workshop, Jim Linnell shares techniques for creating palm trees, crashing ocean waves, rocky landscapes, sand, and more. For anyone who enjoys pictorial carving, this is a unique collection of skills that can be applied to any number of other projects.

This is a re-recording of a live, online class, so viewers benefit from both audience questions and workshop moderation.


Pattern Associated With This Class

Free Pattern for Beach Pictorial Carving


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Video Details

2 hours and 29 minutes; 3.68 GB



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