Free Leathercraft Pattern for Montana Inspired Western Floral by Jim Linnell
Elktracks Studio
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About This Pattern
In the class associated with this pattern, Jim Linnell demonstrates the carving and style of floral elements you may not have seen before while discussing the role of Frank Meanea, Miles City Saddlery, Ken Griffin, F.O. Baird, and their role in the development of the craft. Half history lesson, half floral carving workshop, this is a class unlike you'll get anywhere else.
For many, the biggest take-away from this class is the confidence and inspiration to adapt and evolve historical Western floral designs into modern works of leather art.
This pattern was inspired by a trip to Montana, with the carving demonstrated in the video workshop Montana Inspired Floral Carving. We’d love to see what you make from it in our online Facebook group Elktracks Studio Creations.
Video Associated With This Pattern
Montana Inspired Floral Carving by Jim Linnell
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Pattern Details
2 printable page (8.5" x 11") of patterns and photo carves
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